- What exactly is a mutual fund? 什么是基金?
- What Exactly Is a Finite State Machine? 有限状态机定义?
- What exactly is a programming language? 究竟什么是编程语言?
- But what exactly is a child prodigy? 但“神童”到底是怎么定义的?
- What exactly is a standard suite? 标准套房的设施到底怎样?
- In this promising facts behind what exactly is a heart soliloquy? 在这个充满希望的事实背后,到底有一段什么样的内心独白呢?
- So what exactly is a "good" moisturizer?Dermatologist Charles E. 究竟怎么样才是一种“品质好的”润肤霜呢?
- What exactly is the use of a man smart but not able? 一个人若只有聪明,而没有本事,那有什么用?
- Could you tell me what exactly is the matter? 你可以告诉我到底是怎么回事吗?
- Okay, so you have to tell us, what exactly is a computer virus? -Well, when you hear the terms “virus” and “worm” and “Trojan”... 好的,那么你必须告诉我们,计算机病毒到底是什么?-好的,当你听到“病毒”、“蠕虫”和“木马”等术语时...
- So what exactly is data recovery? 到底做数据恢复?
- This season, Arsenal seems to be little changed, so what exactly is a means to let the gunmen out of their immature, to be mature? 本赛季,阿森纳似乎有点脱胎换骨,那么究竟是用了什么手段让枪手们摆脱稚嫩,走向成熟呢?
- But what exactly is gourmet coffee? 但是什么样的咖啡才可以称得上是极品咖啡呢?
- I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly is. 很抱歉。出什么问题了?
- What exactly is Ciao?Ciao is a multi-million-strong online community that critically reviews and rates millions of products and services for the benefit of other consumers.Av ... 一、Ciao评论站介绍:和多人说CIAO评论站和CIAO调查站有联系还可能是微软的下属站,但是我在CIAO自己介绍的时候没看出来。
- What exactly is meant by Multiple Level Undo? 多级撤消到底意味着什么?
- Li Hong is a mutual friend of Lizzy and Chang. 李红是莉齐和小张两人共同的朋友。
- What exactly is social enterprise stands for? 究竟何谓社会企业?
- What exactly is the protocol with that? 这件事有确定的协议吗?
- What exactly is this inner light and sound? 内在的光与音是什么呢?